by admin | Dec 16, 2024 | Deathcare, Funerals, Rites of passage
It’s been three years since I started practicing as a funeral celebrant. I actually can’t quite believe it. If someone had said to me ten years ago that I would be regularly standing up in front of a room full of people and guiding them through a major rite of passage...
by admin | Nov 20, 2024 | Funerals, Rites of passage, Workshops
Hello dear hearts, I’m transmitting this from cycle day 22 and the ambiguity of wanting to be seen, whilst also wanting to hide. Such is the paradox of these early luteal days in my cycle. I’d tried to write this all of last week, but something was stuck in me....
by admin | Oct 29, 2024 | Folklore, Funerals, Menstruation, Queering
Well hello there, folks. As the days draw in and the weather cools, I find myself wanting to do nothing more than stay in and read a good book. I’ve been curating a selection in my head that I’ve wanted to share with you with all for ages, so here some of them are…...
by admin | Sep 23, 2024 | Funerals, Menstruation, Queering
It’s always a struggle for me to get out of my shell after a prolonged period away from publishing anything, so this is a quick(ish) round up of the last 6/7 weeks or so just to get me out of my rut! If you read my previous post, you’ll know that I take August off...
by admin | Nov 8, 2023 | Deathcare, Funerals, Rites of passage
As we in the Northern hemisphere find ourselves in the descent towards darker days, heading down into Samhain1, it’s become a tradition of sorts that I spend some time contemplating this idea of the thinning of the veil between the worlds. Most of us are familiar...
by admin | Oct 31, 2022 | Deathcare, Folklore, Funerals
Some of you will have heard me say this before and so I apologise for repeating myself, but every year at Samhain I find myself sitting-with the premise of the veil between the worlds and each year I can’t help but feel like there’s more to it. The idea that...