by admin | Oct 29, 2024 | Folklore, Funerals, Menstruation, Queering
Well hello there, folks. As the days draw in and the weather cools, I find myself wanting to do nothing more than stay in and read a good book. I’ve been curating a selection in my head that I’ve wanted to share with you with all for ages, so here some of them are…...
by admin | Sep 23, 2024 | Funerals, Menstruation, Queering
It’s always a struggle for me to get out of my shell after a prolonged period away from publishing anything, so this is a quick(ish) round up of the last 6/7 weeks or so just to get me out of my rut! If you read my previous post, you’ll know that I take August off...
by admin | Jan 17, 2024 | Folklore, Queering, Rites of passage
“And again at New Year, when the 12 strokes sound and we make our resolutions ‘I will be good; turn over a new leaf; be made anew’ – we are embodying, even if we do not know it, or perhaps being embodied by, the myth of eternal return; the periodic destruction...
by admin | May 26, 2023 | Menstruation, Queering
‘The menstrual monster is thus simultaneously menstruating and non-menstruating, feminine and un-feminine, bleeding too much and too little, too early and too late, in too much and too little pain, is too proud and too embarrassed, transgendered and cisgendered’....
by admin | Mar 10, 2023 | Menstruation, Queering, Rites of passage
We were cycling late last Saturday night and I’d left the house ill-prepared. My hands stung sharply with the cold; the wind whipping my knuckles as we trundled up the hill. ‘Why the fuck didn’t I bring my gloves?’ I shouted, shaking my raw...
by admin | Oct 31, 2022 | Menstruation, Queering, Rites of passage
What might happen if we reimagined menarche? Or even queered it all the way up? As a parent to a small human who I assume will get her period one day, I think about this a lot. There’s also a growing movement of companies setting up workshops and education that...