Hello dear reader, I come to you with a slightly upside down approach to this newsletter, in that I’m going to share with you something that I am not going to be doing. An (un)announcement of sorts? In March this year I was accepted to study at The New School of the...
LAMMAS – EQUINOX – a summer catch up
It’s always a struggle for me to get out of my shell after a prolonged period away from publishing anything, so this is a quick(ish) round up of the last 6/7 weeks or so just to get me out of my rut!
“And again at New Year, when the 12 strokes sound and we make our resolutions ‘I will be good; turn over a new leaf; be made anew’ - we are embodying, even if we do not know it, or perhaps being embodied by, the myth of eternal return; the periodic destruction and...
Thinning – unveiling ourselves this Samhain and beyond
As we in the Northern hemisphere find ourselves in the descent towards darker days, heading down into Samhain1, it’s become a tradition of sorts that I spend some time contemplating this idea of the thinning of the veil between the worlds. Most of us are familiar...
‘The menstrual monster is thus simultaneously menstruating and non-menstruating, feminine and un-feminine, bleeding too much and too little, too early and too late, in too much and too little pain, is too proud and too embarrassed, transgendered and cisgendered’....
We were cycling late last Saturday night and I'd left the house ill-prepared. My hands stung sharply with the cold; the wind whipping my knuckles as we trundled up the hill. 'Why the fuck didn't I bring my gloves?' I shouted, shaking my raw hands to bring some life...